장소 및 티켓팅 방법 알아보기 송가인 콘서트 예매 일정 좌석

송가인 콘서트 예약 일정 좌석 위치 및 티켓팅 방법 알아보기

In June 2013, it was listed as a World Heritage Site by combining shrines, volcanic areas, and scenic spots around Mount Fuji under the name of Mount Fuji, Holy Place, and Source of Artistic Inspiration. Originally, it was intended to be registered as a natural heritage, but after many twists and turns, the registration of the natural heritage was rejected and re-challenged to be registered as a cultural heritage that was generous with environmental evaluation. This seems to be because Mount Fuji is animportant symbol of Japanese culture and has sufficient cultural value, such as being the subject of numerous paintings and literary works.

a sign of Mt. Fuji abnormality

an abnormal sign of Mt. Fuji

On April 20, 2022, a fisherman who went fishing as usual at a port in Fuku Prefecture, Japan, found something different from usual in the shallow sea. It is a 3M-long giant squid, about 20 times larger than ordinary squid, and is a deep-sea fish species that lives in the deep sea. The appearance of deep-sea fish was seen as an ominous sign among fishermen. During the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, there

was also a claim that the deep-sea hairtail, a deep-sea fish, was a harbinger of disaster. Trotsinger Song Ga-in(age 35) announces her first solo concert schedule for 2022.

“Song Ga-in will announce his 2022 solo concert schedule on March 23rd, “his agency Pocketdol Studio, on the 14th

He said, “After collecting all opinions from fans and others, we will disclose details such as where and when the first concert will be held this year.”

Due to the aftermath of 코로나19, the final schedule has been postponed to be announced on March 31st in consideration of the safety of fans.

The first area of the solo concert was narrowed down to Seoul or Gwangju.》